
Wearable Technology: Application Benefits

The use of “wearables”, i.e. wearable technology such as smartwatches, is becoming increasingly popular among the population. For this reason, it is worth checking this wearable technology compatibility with various e-learning methods. Do wearables have a future in the industry, or is it rather unrealistic wishful thinking?

What are wearables?

The term “wearables” or “wearable devices” means something like “portable technologies”. However, wearable technology does not mean smartphones or tablets are used daily, but any technology that can be worn directly on the body or even on the head.

This includes, for example, smartwatches, which are often used for health purposes as step or calorie counters or virtual reality (VR) glasses.

Wearables and eLearning

Is it worth taking a more detailed look at the use of wearables in the e-learning industry? Definitive! Because technology and teaching are becoming increasingly harmonious and hardly anyone is without a smartphone these days, wearables such as smartwatches could also become part of people’s everyday lives.

Above all, the importance of virtual reality for practice-oriented training units is emphasized, as well as the use of wearables such as smartwatches for e-learning concepts such as microlearning. The following methods can be combined particularly well with wearables:

Virtual reality glasses

The use of virtual reality (VR) headsets in the e-learning industry could revolutionize methods such as gamification or learning simulations. In this way, users can immerse themselves in three-dimensional worlds, creating a more realistic connection to learning.

Training units that are intended to prepare for practical work could benefit from the use of VR. Another big advantage is that employees’ induction (keyword onboarding ) can be made much more exciting.

Case study:

The US company Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) is already using virtual reality glasses to train some employees. It teaches the training participants the most important steps for preparing a chicken.

A VR game in the form of an escape room is used, in which clues have to be solved to escape from the room. According to KFC, this saves a lot of training time, as the cooking process for the chicken drops from 25 to 10 minutes. However, it is only an “interactive addition” to the usual training.


The fact is: Smartwatches are becoming more and more popular among the population. Global sales are expected to double almost by 2021.

Smartwatches are often used with the smartphone, which can evaluate the data recorded by the smartwatch (e.g. step counter). There is also the option of using certain apps on the smartwatch.

But what is the potential in combination with e-learning?

Above all, the e-learning concept is microlearning of great importance, in which learners can acquire new knowledge using short, bundled information units.

With a smartwatch, accessing these short information units at any time if the learner needs them is possible. For example, a salesperson could use the smartwatch to look up specific product information during sales.

Application benefits

You already know the most important application possibilities and the potential of wearables in the e-learning industry. Below you will find out what special advantages you can expect in your company from the use of wearables:

1. Improved learning experience

As mentioned, all types of simulations become much more realistic through virtual reality glasses. The learner can immerse himself in a three-dimensional world in which he can become part of the respective task.

The decision-making can thus be based on interactions with other characters, such as their body language or other external factors. In addition, the environment in virtual reality can be designed in such a way that it replicates your workplace. Thus, effective use of what has been learned on the job is almost guaranteed.

2. Immediate feedback

In training simulations with virtual reality glasses, the learner receives direct feedback from the technology (e.g. through a signal or vibration from the device).

Since this signal already occurs during the decision-making process for the respective task, learning from mistakes is guaranteed. Again, this leads to a more effective learning experience for your employees.

3. Easy access to knowledge

Smartwatches allow employees to access the e-learning information they need at any time. In the best-case scenario, fewer training units per year are required since the knowledge no longer has to be “refreshed” as often.

In addition, smartwatches can simplify onboarding new employees because they can view the information they need at any time.

4. Increased productivity

Usual product training courses are often characterized by a lot of information material and facts, which can sometimes overwhelm the learners. But wearables can counteract this problem by using virtual reality for three-dimensional product presentations during training.

Better product knowledge among employees also increases sales figures and customer satisfaction. The employees should also be happier thanks to the exciting, effective training methods, which go hand in hand with less fluctuation because increased productivity and a low turnover rate go hand in hand!

5. Optimization of customer service

Customer service can also be improved through constant, easy access to knowledge. For example, if an employee wants to know how a return is carried out. Here, too, customer satisfaction increases thanks to the improved service again.

6. Promotes cooperation

Wearable technology are great for encouraging collaboration between employees! They can communicate directly via the smartwatch and support each other in case of problems and questions. Project-based work is also possible with the help of virtual reality technology in teams all over the world.

For example, a meeting at a completely different company location can be attended directly when using VR glasses. Overall, there are numerous ways to promote cooperation between your employees through wearables. Again, this leads to increased productivity at best.

The use of wearables in the e-learning industry is not just a distant vision of the future. Because both smartwatches and virtual reality applications are becoming more and more popular among the population. The numerous advantages of using this technology in combination with e-learning methods also underline the potential for the industry. 


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